The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization

      Alongside with sophistication tricks, making doubt and financial promises for more attractiveness, the Bahaism organization uses non – homogenous recruiting. Jahangiri says in this regard: “… The sedition scope of the Baha’i girls is to such an extent that the assembly uses them to attract Muslim youth.”

      Mrs. Karami says about suggesting a person to participate at organization meetings:

      “Our relationships with our classmate, Sami’a, increased little by little. We dated every day and spoke and sent messages. When she could attract our trust, she said she was a Baha’i. From that time on, we spoke about Bahaism and the Baha’i community. She announced her family about our relationship and she took me to her house to be familiar with her family. It was important for them to introduce a loving friend to Baha’i Community. Later on, I figured out that it was harmful for me!”

      The members who turn against a cult says about their experiences of participating in the cult meetings: “First, I accepted their words. They seemed very good people. I never though that they were from a cult. It was too late when I understood.”

      When a person is recruited, he/she is bombarded by kindness. Adib Masoudi says in this regard: “I was said to wear my turban. Due to poverty, I went to Tehran city, Ahmad Motlagh’s house wearing torn clothes and light summer cotton shoes and I saw as if they were waiting for me. The door was opened at once and about ten beautiful women and girls hugged me and kissed my feet and said: The Excellency Abraham has come. Moses has come. Gabriel Rouh-al Amin has come. I said: Who are they? Nobody had paid attention to me at all before even old women. Now, these beautiful girls are hugging me and kissing … They took me and washed and took to bathroom and washed me with musk and rosewater and saying Allahu Abha. They respected me very much. At once, some dignitaries like Ahmad Yarzdani, Abbas Alavi, Abdul Hamid Ishragh Khawari, Abdul Karim Ayati (who was the Shah’s physician) were gathered. They kissed my feet. Damned Ayadi who didn’t even believe in God said: Wash his feed and each of them drank my feet’s water and said it is a gift looked upon as bringing good luck!”

      The person is now ready to be changed based on the expected ones to the cult in order to be proselytizer or other misuses of the cult under special trainings. Adib Masouri says about the cult’s lies: “After a while, he formed Ighan class for me and then they said wear turban to the take you to cities. They called me the deputy of Ayatollah Broujerdi while I was a simple clergy man… They invited me to the national assembly. Damned Colonel Shahgoli was the head, but Almad Motlagh came with me. He said: Say yes what they said. They took me and Colonel Shahgoli hugged me and said: How much do you take pains in this way, I said: Colonel Shangoli, I have taken pains, but not in this way. He said: You went to the mosque and 25000 people were listening to you. You dreamed the Excellency Abdul Baha and said: Wake up. Time is passing. He hit your pillow and you went to mosque and made a speech and 150 people believed in you in that mosque. I said: Colonel, you may make a mistake. That village didn’t have 100 people. There wasn’t any mosque there. Ahmad hit me and said: Poor man, say yes and I said yes. You are right. Finally, I confessed due to fear.”

      It must be declared that Bahaism is not successful in recruiting process due to its null and baseless content. Behzad Jahangiri says in this regard: “… If Bahaism were right, a large number of Muslims and people of the world must have joined it and proselytizing wouldn’t be needed…”

      Fadhlullah Mohtadi says in this regard: “In Haifa and Acre, there were nearly 50 Baha’i families who were from Iran. Even a person from that land didn’t become Baha’i… .”

      Seyyed Kazem Mousawi, the Bahaism expert says about recruiting in this cult: “In the Year 1380-1381 S.H., Baha’ism executed a plan by the name of Roubi plan. It was an educational one to recruit Shia youth. It was started from Shiraz city. Although the Baha’ is have claimed for its cancellation, but it is continued.”

      Regarding what has said, a comprehensive plan must be executed to undo such plans and programs of Bahaism organization which have a net to trap the community people in order to make people aware of the deceptive proselytizing of the deviant cult of Baha’ism.

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